make money by ads

Today, the judge, opened a new column, the name of "network advertising money." put on the web site devoted to advertisements, to obtain receipts for Blogger, can be used to subsidize the cost of site for the station, adding a certain level of income. In fact, some already discussed the topic. For example, English Blog profitable in several directions against Google AdSnese many discussions, and so on. Lane will be discussed in this column only after more detailed, with more of the Internet to make money, Release to earn money through advertising methods

Google is continually stepping up its advertising system

Google is continually stepping up its advertising system
Google recently several moves to strengthen its competitive advertising system, so as to maintain a leading position. 1) acquisition of DoubleClick 2), Google AdSense for Audio No. w Compatible with Industry Leading Station AB Google Audio temáticos Providers through more partners. more in-depth involvement of radio advertising. 3) Clear Channel Radio and Google Will Jointly D. rive Radio Advertiser Expansion

the monetary value of the Blog

Technorati based on the data, the assessment Blog price of a toy, not a tool. If a Blog entries to the address, it will tell you how much the value of the Blog. Website Optimization SEO promotion, the current valuation Your blog, is worth $ 24,839.76 see is dollars! If Chinese Blog, no price estimate Plate. If the language, and the price is quite reasonable. For instance, an English Blog valuation is $ 11,855.34, watching okay. But if someone really will be the price to buy the other's Blog strange. Blog sale of the whole rather tricky, but a common link in the Blog sale, but the price is more practical. Oh, you will really pay. The things that I as a small thing on the right side. In fact, treat it as a website optimized in terms of promoting the case, the virus marketing approach is certainly worth study.

earning $30,000 a month from your work

c) Test and RefineYou cannot be complacent about how you do your business. What's good today can be bad tomorrow. And you'll never know unless you test and refine your business process. Don't take someone else's advice on what's good for your business. Test it yourself! Use different website copies, headlines, calls to action, prices, bonuses etc. There are a LOT of areas you can test - so make sure you do it. And when your results are in, refine your business process. If your results are conclusive, make the change. Don't wait until it's too late. Refine your process and then keep testing it. It's a cycle. Not a movement. So repeat it often.

d) Keep doing what works.Sometimes you'll find that there are certain aspects of your business that you've tested and found that it works well. There's no need to change it. Well then don't. Many people think that change is universal and that EVERY aspect of their business should be changed. Don't be like that. Change only those that your tests told you to change. Leave other aspects that work, well alone. If they work - don't change them.

e) Try to automate as much as possibleAfter a while you'll find that some of your day-to-day business chores take up most of your time and that leaves little for the rest. You always feel that you don't have enough time. Identify the aspects of your work at home business that take up most of your time and see if you can automate it to some extent. You might also be able to find tools or services that can do those tasks for you in less time or effort. If you can automate such processes and free up more of your time, you can use that time on other areas of your business that can be of more use to you.

f) Replicate your successIf you've tested, refined, tested some more, and automated as much as you can then you will begin to realize that your business is now almost running in "auto pilot" mode. And this means that you can now run the business spending less time. And the profits have not taken a hit and have actually increased. Once you begin to see that you are making a considerable amount a month, it's time to replicate your business. And that means creating a whole new business that works the same as the one you've got. Once you get more than one work at home businesses running, you will have multiple streams of income. And now you are that much closer to your $30,000 a month goal.

g) Keep Working Hard!And finally, you simply can't find a substitute for hard work. Working hard means working smart. So as you start your multi income streams you must not let yourself slacken and lose focus. Keep a firm grip on your businesses and make sure you put in the same hard work that brought your to your $30.000 a month dream. Treat it like a business and it will treat you well - I promise you.So earning $30,000 a month from your work at home business is indeed possible. But there are no short cuts and no silver bullets. Hard work and working SMART will get you close to that "dream" faster. And once you are there you'll find that all that hard work was well worth it!Khemal Dole owns and operates , a completely FREE service that teaches many beginners and even experts how to work at home. Sign up for his FREE 14 day Work At Home Beginner's Course and learn how real people make money from the internet.

Make $30,000 money Online-tips

Make $30,000 money Online? (1)

Is it really possible to make $30,000 a month working from home and running your own business online? Does it sound like a dream? Is it even possible, let alone be a dream? And how many people actually make that much anyway?The answer is YES. You CAN make $30,000 a month working from home and running your own work at home business. And YES there are plenty of people who make that much, or even more, on the internet. But it didn't happen overnight!It starts out just like any other business. With a lot of "elbow grease" and hard work. There's simply no short cut to it. If you think that you can wake up tomorrow and make $10,000 while you slept, then you're right. You can! But only if you won the lottery or some rich relative died and left you his or her money. That's the ONLY way you'll make a lot of money in no time. Other than that, it's all about how hard you work at your work at home business.

It's just like any other business. You can't assume that just because you do it online, some miracle will happen and the business will take off by itself. You must realize that in order for any business to succeed, be in online or offline, you've got to put in the effort.

But what are the basic guidelines you should follow if you want to make $30,000 a month? Here’s how.a) Target a niche that's lucrative.You can't succeed if your target market is saturated, unless you're a genius. For the rest of us, we need to focus of building our work at home business around a niche that's not too big but yet not too small either. You must make sure that your niche is big enough for you to be able to sell to it and yet small enough that not too many people are targeting it. This is one place where SIZE does matter. And knowing exactly how big your niche is, is so very important.

b) Focus on one thingOnce you find your niche you need to focus on it. It's easy to get side tracked or branch off into many different streams of markets. Don't lose focus! Keep doing what you are doing and focus on ONE specific thing at a time. Make it work 100%. And even then, there's always room for improvement. Many work at home business owners fall into this "diversify or die" mode and they spread themselves too thin. Don't fall for that. Focus on one thing and do it well. There'll be a time to expand, but not until you are making a considerable monthly income. If you are making a few bucks each month, you KNOW you need to focus!

tips of making money on the web

I have seen a lot of interest lately with making money on the web.Thought I would provide a few advices I clear away a bit of the enigma of becoming profitable on the web.
1) Distinct products or services. Everything sold can usually fall into these two categories. Services might be web design, web hosting, consulting, etc. Products are self explanatory. Products are the way to make big $ but may be harder to get going at first and have risk unless demand for the product has already been proven or carefully researched. Either way, you must differentiate yourself from the competition, not merely copy. Copycats have a hard time wrestling away consumers from already established businesses. It is harder to get a customer intially than keep them. If you have no competition, you must set and keep the standard with your company. Just because you don't have competition now doesn't mean you won't have it within a few months.
2) Understand margins. A margin is the amount of product expense verses profit. If it costs you $10 to make and ship a t-shirt and you sell it for $15, you have a $5 margin. Low margin items require a very high volume to make money. High margin items require much less traffic but depending on the price of the item, may require more skill in getting people to part with their cash. Low retail price products with high margins are gold. Next time you get spammed over and over again by a certain product, think about why they are marketing it so aggressively.
3) Understanding markets. Competition is fierce in some categories (travel is a recent example). Carve out a niche in a competitive market (i.e. target a city, region, or state) for more viable results. Low-competition markets (new or emerging markets) require you to set your own boundaries. How broad or narrow will depend on your goals and viability of servicing an audience and staying on top in that market.
4) Spend the most time on the most profitable ventures. If you are confident you have spent ample time on a market and the money isn;t there, don't be afraid to walk away or put the project on hold. Don't beat a dead is dead. On the other hand, if you tap into a vein that is producing very promising income, milk it for all it is worth and don't get distracted by other potential ventures.
5) Diversification. Once you have found an income stream you can tap into, you can't expect to last forever. Like a good stock portfolio, you shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket. Minimize risk through diversification. Multiple revenue streams, multiple products, multiple services, multiple businesses...whatever. Dont' overdiversify beyond what you can handle. Leave enough time to sufficiently develop promising current projects.

make money online

The list of ways to make money online is long: Affiliate programs, Multi Level Marketing (MLM), High Yield Investment Programs (HYIP), Surveys, Resale Rights Products, creating and selling your own products, niche/content websites, writing articles for content sites, paid to surf, and the list goes on.

Although there are a lot of genuine and legitimate ways to make money online, the internet has also been flooded by many frauds and scams that promise people instance riches overnight.
So those wanting to try their hand at making money online, or to change their luck for the better, ask: Is there really THE best way to make money online? The simple answer is NO.

The basic fact is that what is a good way to make money online for one person may not be for the other person. What makes someone else a million dollars in six months’ time may only make you a few hundred dollars within the same timeframe. Your dedication, effort and knowledge is what normally makes the difference.
Each person has to find what works for them and their experience and skills and interests. Everybody have their own ways to make money online - there are no BEST ways, and there are No easy ways.

It is noteworthy that an online business is no different from any other business. You have to make the investment, in terms of time, money, effort etc. You should be prepared to learn a lot, work hard and you must have lots of patience.
So what constitutes the ‘best’ and easy way to make money online?

Whatever you feel the most comfortable with. It is important for you to explore what interests you and be confident in the products or services you represent. If you are passionate about your online business and the products or services you represent, and work hard at it, you can easily succeed. A business that will give you a repeating income and does not rely solely on your own efforts. Residual income is what set apart the winners from the losers on making money online – you must do the work once and get paid five years from now. Instead of relying on only your efforts to build your online wealth, you can build your wealth through the efforts of many sub-affiliates. Instead of making your online wealth from 100% of your own efforts, you can make it from 1% of 100 sub-affiliates. A good online business is one which earns you some residual income.

A business that will give you multiple streams of income from diverse business ventures. Do not put all your eggs in one basket. A good online business can be a combination of several affiliate programs, or sites setup in all sorts of niches, free/paid membership sites or selling your own or other people’s e-books. A business that gives you a secure and lasting way to earn a living online such as selling a product which you can develop or upgrade over time. A well executed site targeted to a very specific refined area selling a hard to find product or e-book is a good online business.

These can be your own products or someone else. An online business is similar to any other business – long term security is important. It is therefore advisable that you start an online business that has long term success potential. A business that suits your skills and experience. For example, for most people, affiliate programs tend to be the easiest way to start with. They have minimal investment requirements and some very good ones come with a step-by-step guide to help you start making money with the affiliate programs. A good online business is one for which you have a well executed marketing plan.

How you market any business can make or break that business, so the marketing plan you have for your business – whatever it is - and how effective that marketing plan is, will determine how good your online business will be for you. How you decide to promote what you choose to do online will make the difference.

A business with which you can have a long term focus, which you will be able to work on consistently to grow it. The key to making an online business succeed is to work the opportunity every day without fail, and to stick to it. A lot of people come across good online business opportunities, but most of them quit before finding financial freedom, and they jump onto the next online business opportunity.

This is mainly because the internet is full of ‘business opportunities’ some of which are scams, and also, some wealth seekers think that there are some easy and quick ways to make money online. Pick a proven online business that suits your interests and experience, focus on it long enough, do not get distracted, and you'll make money. Regardless of what you will consider to be the ‘best’ online business for you based on your interests and experience; in order to make real money, you will need to have some ‘leverage’ and use some tips which will ensure that your online business is a success.

Whatever the type of online business you will take on, you will need the following to succeed and make your way of making money online THE best way to earn money:
Build your own subscriber list or affiliate program which will become an asset that you can draw money out of continually over time. You will need a customer base to make money with any online business. Whatever your business is, set up your web site so that you can get free organic and viral traffic. This is a very powerful form of leverage that will offset your marketing expenses.

Have an in-demand product, which can easily be leveraged to recruit affiliates, perform joint ventures, build a list or even sell resale licenses. Build a solid reputation. This form of "leverage" will exponentially increase your sales over a competitor, can help you easily get into joint ventures, and will literally market your products and services for you.If you identify a strategy that is working 'best' for you then you can put more effort there! It is recommended that you diversify by having for example affiliate programs, offline businesses, MLM, own products etc.

make money by sell online

The first step to sell online process, did not start on the Internet, but in your mind. You need to want to open themselves what kind of shop. On this point, made no distinction between open added industries with traditional shops, the value of a good city to try to find their competitive edge is the cornerstone of our success. Second, choice of platform or sell website. You need to choose a personal website platform shops, registered users. This step is very important. Most websites will be required to use their real names and identity card registration and other valid documents. In the choice of site, whether the strong popularity of fees, and fees are very important indicator. Now many staying open platform to provide free services, which can save you a lot of gold. The third step is to shop for the creation of the website. You have to fill in details of the classification of goods for their shop, for example, you sell fashion watches. then it could be classified as "gems and jewelry, watches, glasses," the "watch" category. so you can accurately find your target users. Then you need to get up shop smart for their own name, which users click on the list of shops. depend on whether more attractive name. Some added industries, shows personal data, should be true to fill in order to increase confidence. The fourth step is 30-40. You are familiar with the channel and platforms from 30-40, 30-40 is the key to cost control and low price. Fifth step, you need to download each commodity production Lu name, origin, location, nature, the appearance of the number of transactions, time limits for completing the transaction information on the web site, the best mix of merchandise photos. It should be as comprehensive as possible, the outstanding merits of such commodities because when people search, the name will be revealed only on the table. In order to increase the attractiveness, quality of the pictures should be better, should try to explain in detail, if mailed. Who is responsible for the best statement postage. Download time, a very important thing is to set up price. Usually website will provide initial price, the reserve price, non-negotiable price and other projects set up by the seller. Assuming a purchase price of 100 yuan sellers to sell clothes, plans to sell 150 yuan. If the owner is a traditional, as long as the price of 150 yuan mark first, if no longer marketable, and then a little bit lower prices. However, online bidding, the seller must set up a starting price, since buyers bid upward. The lower the starting price of interested buyers can cause some vendors set up one yuan Initial bidding is a good way to attract attention. But low starting price of the final bid price low risk, while setting up the best sellers upset sold for 105 yuan, say, to ensure that no goods were bought at below cost. Another drawback is the low initial price may indicate you are willing to sell the goods at a very low price. so at a very low price bidders floundering. If sellers find bidders after waiting too long, they may set up a non-negotiable price, buyers are willing to pay the price once. Trade turnover immediately, the disadvantage is that if a few buyers are interested, it is impossible to jack up prices. The seller should be used according to their specific conditions set up. Sixth step, and marketing promotion. To upgrade their shops popularity, in reality the initial stage, due to marketing promotion But it is not confined to the network to work together to promote Internet networks under a variety of channels. For example, the purchase of the website page on the flow of "hot commodities recommendation" position, classification of goods to the list of trade names thichen increase pictures to attract eyeballs. The advertisements can also be used at no cost, such as exchange links with other websites and shops. Step 7. Sales to customers in deciding whether to buy, you may not need a lot of the information provided, they will put on the Internet, you should be back in time and patience. Attention needs to be drawn, however, many vendors website to prevent private transactions to evade transaction costs, will be prohibited from providing any personal link buyers and sellers on the Internet, such as mail, phone, or else they would be punished. The eighth step, transaction costs, will be informed of the link between the two web sites, conduct transactions under the agreement, Transactions can choose to meet, through remittances, mailed in the transaction, but it should be soon. lest you doubt the other side credit. Availability of other after-sales service, as the prior agreement. 9th step, the evaluation of complaints or credit transactions over the Internet is a very important factor, in order to build the credit environment. If satisfied with the transaction, giving each other the best received, and access to other services through a good home. If the transaction fails, should give poor assessment, or complaints to the website, in order to reduce losses and warning others. If the complaint should be addressed as soon as possible, so as to avoid their own credit was tainted. 10th infantry service, it need not be. perfect maintain lasting and satisfactory after-sales service business is a very important chip to maintain contact with customers of different, doing customer management.

make money through the Internet

Several methods of the Internet to make money through the Internet to make money? Following is a network of several common ways to make money : 1. Advertising money is usually a click through your website or e-mail advertising, the advertisers will pay to you. 2, after adding money received mail advertising mail, which contains the payment link, click the link to open the site to advertisers. will be for 20 seconds and maintain a certain level of revenue. Class mail on a single site, limited income, but even participated in the 10 such sites. no more than two hours a week processing time. So can the same posting, the registration number of such sites that adhere to a few months later, we receive a large number of checks. 3, online sales agent make money Chamber will give you a registered account, the account through your sales. you will get a certain generate. Network money on the part of this wealth of a system. 4, the registration money can be received after the entry registration tasks so that you become free members of the website, registered plowed receipts; General registration, will allow you to answer a question, for instance-mail confirmation of certain words. really confirmed to accomplish the task. 5, the search to make money, you will get a registration search links, the links on your website or distributed to others. let people search through the pages you search. The search will each receive a payment. 6, surfing download a small program to make money, to watch online advertising revenue in the calculation of time-line. Programmers do not share screen space, but to little effect 800*600 resolution. In return roughly $ 0.02-0.10/ hours. 7, the network has many friends on profitable category sites, such as the Asian center of friends, please to promote these sites. on others to join, a person to be successful on a certain income. This is a profitable online consumer agents. Is a common way to make money over the network, in addition to many other ways, such as playing the game to make money, to make money in completing the questionnaire. lucrative investment, or even free play the lottery money and so on.

How to raise your Google Adsense Revenue

1. First, the most important point is that refrain from deceptive hits (not specified 't fraudulent click). Do not try to cheat (not specified 't cheat). Google always smarter than you (Google is always a lot smarter th an you), there have been too many examples of the closure of the account Account, must not leave things to chance. adsense system because every time hits record (adsense can log every cl Košická), and as long as you have a cheating will go by the wayside. All revenues were derived from the previously confiscated (Your money will be gone). 2. Improve the quality of your website, only the quality up, and can be attractive to visit. Adsense can increase the frequency display, the only multi-frequency display, click on the same effective rate (CTR), under the circumstances that you can rise in the total number of valid hits. Moreover, it can also increase the content of your site Google Advertising; I do not know whether you found your great content on the web site pages have more advertising? 3. Done in front of 2:00 on the premise that Key words selected for the more expensive (select some higher cost keywords ). Believe you have found your website by clicking each adsense income is not stereotyped. Instead, some high and some low, what are the reasons? I believe you have to predict the key word is different for each click cost is not the same, so that Lane if your pages contain more expensive keyword, as well as the relatively high cost of advertising hits, so the same number of hits and even more of the revenue. Some foreign website listed below in the discussion of some of the more expensive word. Keywords not pay attention to the figures behind each click revenue, but the price Adwords. Of course, the higher the price bidding, the more money you pay in proportion : Bush, Cheney $ 0.84 $ 3.90 $ 0.80 Health Kerry $ 2.10 Point of sale software Medicine 5 $ 1.92 $ 10.40 P SEO resident $ 0.54 $ 4.61 $ 3.93 Uni Satellite TV hypotension Degrees Online $ 8.74 $ 1.58 degree Yoga 's entertainment $ 5.80 $ 8.77 $ 1.28 hosting jess Influence of ica satellite simpson $ 0.41 $ 3.11 $ university university degrees webmaster 1.36 $ 4.48 $ 1.60 The person referred to a Web hosting $ 10.95 a Keywords Mesotheliom a (mesothelioma), the word value of $ 52.81, can be said to be a high price. Key words associated with some of the prices are as follows : $ 17.16 [Asbestos an [Abdominal mesothelioma] d $ 5.42 [Asbestos mesothelioma mesothelioma] [Asbestos]] $ 37.74 $ 24.95 $ 33.11 [Fi [Claims] brosis] $ 14.50 $ 5.34 [Malignant [Lung cancer] mesothelioma] $ 47.07

ADSENSE Not dream of a monthly income of 1,000 dollars higher real incomes and analysis

ADSENSE amazing how many on the Internet. Google how powerful anti-fraud technology articles. Some individuals feel the rhetoric real shortage a lot of misunderstanding. or more of a technical-level analysis rather than business operations analysis. ADSENSE SR If that is not the single click, Google released ADSENSE business and employees are white. one son turn. However, the information that Google ADSENSE brought to the huge profits over 40% Run effectively has so many hits? There is an old saying : the advertising industry advertisers at least 50% of advertising is wasted. However, we do not know where the waste. ADWORDS foreign researchers and research has shown that Google advertisers Keyword promote waste at least 20%. Google not cheating? From the commercial point of view may not be the case. No points , Google to eat? From another perspective, we can say that Google and Commerce issued ADSENSE Customers consumed up to the advertising. Some people may say that you are a nonsense , but the truth of the matter. In fact we are a little business publication ADSENSE , Google has become more ah. monthly income of 1,000 dollars is not a Dream , we should do about it. practice more important than empty talk. outlined some real experiences : 1. on the hit rate and other parameters. We have been talking about. In fact, this is the habit of thinking more domestic alliances. G. OOGLE almost regardless of the. Do not forget that there are regulations : Google ADSENSE ADSENSE disclosure of the account of any person shall be within the parameters of information. Why do you ask? A fear-based First DSENSE releases are aware, Second is the fear that customers are aware. I think what is most important is the fear that customers are aware. Single-day practice, I made a hit rate of 100%. aggregate click rate of 10%. have no problem. Google ADSENSE help the fact that there is very clear : We were not included in your income and number of hits that is a malicious hit. The key is how vicious hits on Google identified. In fact, if there is a business issue as ADSENSE providers, how IP can not guarantee the same number of hits? In practice, I found Google hits can be calculated effective be reflected in the value of each click. Google ADWORDS addition to the price, Google that there is an effective hits. Whether effective, have no effect at least 0.01 cents per click. Of course, I can do so many hundreds of dollars a day. Every time hits high up 3-4 or more. 2. Google's technology over superstition. Google also did not expect to rely on to make money. We all know the concern ADSENSE GOOGL E cheating, a company had to charge the United States. In addition to the thousands and thousands of such cases in China. Why were widely reported. Google is deliberately speculation could not be ruled out, the following reasons : 1. is to look at potential advertisers. tell advertisers that we are serious, responsible for the customer, protect the interests of their clients. but customers never have to waste their time. If there is in fact a waste of advertising. Otherwise, can reach targets 100% accurate advertising, Early into the Earth's estimated economic hegemon. 2. ADSENSE done for the majority of operators look at the issue. Chinese hackers monkey called the slaughter of chickens, ADSENSE through wide dissemination to the general commercial release cast a long shadow over the heart. Since the frightening fact is for you own. But from another point of view, Google only shows that the so-called anti-cheating skill or a problem. or still many idealistic existing technically impossible to achieve can not do. If Google is a strong, smart, None of the more than 100 anti-cheating technology leakage. Why must rely on the courts? He closed the account of the evidence does not show a must. So is the typical speculation could. Mainland prospective stars like to use a trick just turn on the people themselves to rape! 3.GOOGLE service and the attitude of one. how to Google you cheating? Google said the so severely you really want? The answer is not necessarily so. Abroad, I found a lot of sites or domestic abuse is simply the framework deployed This page shows the high value of English in Chinese keyword advertising : ), a complete mockery of the so-called "keyword matching." WwW.AdSensePro.NET To test the legend is really so severely? ! Reported a very simple moves. I was very disappointed. Do not trust you know what their trial. So then I think people have to make money may be incorrect? Moreover, the bulk of the profits. domestic I have seen different types of cheating foreign practices 4 up two accounts in the same page with them. Calling the JS contained nothing there, bombs window there, ADSENSE put pages and content of advertisements, and then advertising in the middle, fool visitors with them. MAIL of mass with them. and so on. In contrast to the kind of hits it is co-organized children Branch. 2. Google said that all the services Google is a wonderful service. But did you know that are formatted letter, I suspect that he is back machines, ADSENSE letter shows that the time is there in 2-3 days. In fact it is 7-10 days. but all the formatting The. Cheating reports are grateful to the letter, has been transferred to the Group. In fact no avail. Google estimated that the staff are not many. ADS audit ENSE application is similar. Google is because the American West, This will be a time lag and the mainland. generally shows the audited accounts on the 16th ratification. Support will be shown on the 20th% vote number and the date of approval. 4. Google first released in the mainland legal issues ADSENSE advertising is illegal. 1. violation of the "People's Republic of China Advertising Law" and the second chapter of advertisers, advertising, Advertising advertising activities in the territory of the People's Republic of China should abide by this law. Chapter IV of the 34th review of the use of radio advertising, film, television, newspapers, magazines and other media to drugs, medical equipment, pesticides, veterinary drugs and other commodities and advertising laws, administrative regulations should be reviewed by other advertising to be issued in accordance with the law before. administrative regulations by the administrative departments (hereinafter referred to the review advertising agencies) to review the content of the advertisements; uncensored. shall publish. 35 advertisers for advertising review, in accordance with the law. administrative regulations of the documents submitted to the review bodies advertising. Advertising agencies in accordance with the laws and regulations made to review the decision. In practice we have seen that many of mass spam. The quasi-pornographic advertisements will emerge from time to time. From a legal perspective : 1.GOOGLE advertisement in the mainland need to be approved by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. The Canton ADWORDS Industry authorities on the need to examine the contents. 2. ADSENSE releases a lot of sense from a strictly legal point of view Even so no record, is not legitimate. ADSENSE can say without hesitation that from the point of view of the law of the People's Republic of China is not legitimate The. Google replaces the function of many countries because it is illegal. many wanted to write and not to write. no meaning. If you have no time or on the knife into the United States hundreds. in fact see a wide range of online argument. very strange. So the idea to write an article on real and personal experience, we explore, but limited to the inconvenience of many reasons, check account information and display images could not be disclosed, is not afraid of Google exchanges KILL down my account, Our harm to the people who are afraid of the Internet, many people are hearsay. Chairman Mao said : To understand the flavor of pears need to tell category.